Your employees work hard every day. What’s the best way to tell them “I appreciate you”? Employee appreciation events with an ice cream food truck, of course! But don’t settle for just any ice cream — show how much you value your employees dedication by food catering ideas with Cold Stone . Our original ice cream creations are all made with quality ingredients. Whatever your tastes, you’ll find a flavor and variety you love at our truck.
When is the best time to hold employee appreciation events? Whenever you want! It could be after you successfully complete a difficult project, when numbers are better than expected, or even as a surprise event for no particular reason — simply to express how much you appreciate your employees.

Employee Appreciation Events food catering ideas, Miami, FL
The best thing about choosing an ice cream food truck for an appreciation event is it requires little effort from you but leads to high satisfaction from all the attendees. Give your employees some time away from work to enjoy the simple pleasures of frozen treats, to socialize with their coworkers, and to forget about everyday stresses. Your employees will return to their jobs refreshed and motivated to achieve even better results.
To book an ice cream food truck for your employees to enjoy, contact us at Cold Stone to help with food catering ideas.
Contact Us
14226 SW 8 St.
Miami, Florida 33184
Catering: 305-796-6833